How has half of a year already go by since Finley officially made her debut?! HALF A YEAR!?! The last 6 months have been the fastest of my life. I am still in awe everyday that I am a mommy and that I have a beautiful perfect baby girl. This last month has been a big one for her and she has officially hit wild one status! She has decided on a new bedtime routine and is officially sleeping from 630-630 and then is up and ready to party. She is sitting up like a champ and I no longer feel the need to sit behind her just in case. She FINALLY loves tummy time and is either sitting up or on her tummy which is GREAT! Fin is already on the move with her army crawl and pushing up onto all 4's then will tuck her legs and sit up! She still cannot figure out moving her arms with her legs and resorts to the army crawl but i think she will get it any day! She is also starting to climb! AHH! The other day she tried to climb out of the pack and play and her excersaucer so the baby proofing has started full force. Another HUGE milestone this month was that we went underwater at the pool!! TWICE! And she didnt cry at all! Her eyes were huge and I think she may have been a little spooked at first but I think we definitely had success. She loves the water and we gave her her first big girl tubby and she was in heaven!! Even got some ADORABLE pics! :)
Her favorite toys are anything that makes noise and lights up but especially her baby piano and aquarium. She also LOVES her doggies. She is always trying to grab/pet them and is also constantly grabbing faces. Look out for her talons as we call them because no matter how much I cut them those little nails are SHARP! Overall this month has been incredible! Fin is still SUPER happy all the time and is really just a character. This month we did A TON of photos and I am in love with every single one of them! We ended up having to do her milk bath 2 times because all she wanted to do was destroy the flowers lol!! We finally did one of her solo! Below are my favorites! There are a lot :)