Tips and tricks for scheduling your newborn session | Newborn Photographers Northern Virginia

So you just discovered you’re about to have a baby! This is so exciting! This is one of the most wonderful times in your life that you’ll ever experience. And this time deserves to be captured and celebrated! Newborn photographers are here to help you out and give you a newborn session that is special and unique. And in northern Virginia, that’s what I do! So, now you’re wondering, “is there anything I need to know about scheduling a newborn session?” Well, read along, and I’ll give you a few tips and tricks I’ve picked up along the way!

Newborn Photographers Northern Virginia Froggy Pose

Book your session early

First of all, I recommend waiting until the end of your first trimester before scheduling. But once you’re there, you should start researching for your photographer around weeks twelves/thirteen. BY the time you reach week twenty, you really want to have your session locked in. Why so early? Well, there are many reasons, but one is that the first few weeks of your pregnancy will be slow, full of waiting and anticipation, but the longer time goes on, excitement and stress builds and builds daily! Also many clients who want a newborn session wind up desiring a maternity session as well! And the time frame for these two sessions are fairly specific. So by booking early, you have time to make decisions and have everything planned out before your little one’s arrival.

Ask the hard questions

Secondly, don’t be afraid to ask your photographer questions. You want to create a dialog with your photographer and get to know their work. Knowing this information can inform you about your photographer’s personality and there photography style. What’s their training? How long have the been photographing newborns, etc. Answering this will tell you if your photographer knows how to accommodate different situations that can occur.

Safety Safety Safety!

Lastly, safety protocol is super important. Does your photographer have a strict sick policy? Do they wear masks? Your newborn is young, and their immune system, is not quite developed yet. You want to know how seriously your photographer takes health and safety! I consider your and your newborn’s health my top priority!

Laura Gooch with Laura Lou photography is one of the Newborn Photographers in Northern Virginia serving clients and their babies! If you’re interested in your own photos, come get some of your own!