I met Rachel in one of those hospital mommy and me classes about 6 years ago. She was such a kind hearted soul and we instantly became friends. I have absolutely loved getting to watch her gorgeous girls grow up and capture their milestones as well as family portraits. She is always so eager to let me try knew things and always puts full trust in my vision. This year however we wanted to have a totally different feel and vibe and shoot it in-studio! You know me I love the studio, but for families I thrive in that golden light, so I was a little hesitant that I could pull off enough variety that would leave us both ecstatic. BUT as usual, Rachel trusted me and my vision and we went super simple and classic and OMG! I am OBSESSED.

These photos are everything I had hoped they could be. By simplifying our backdrop we were able to capture the girl’s personalities and family dynamic in such a timeless way. She wanted something to hang in her home that would be neutral enough to match any room at any season and I know we did just that. After our inside photos we did do a few quick photos in my yard! So we could get a little indoor and outdoor <3 I love that she pushed me outside my comfort zone and I am so thrilled with the results!! Here are some of the photos we captured.

If you ever want to try something new or have a crazy idea I am ALL about it! Shoot me a message and lets get planning!