March maternity sessions can always go one of two ways in Virginia with its crazy weather. HOT or FREEZING and for some reason there never seems to be an in between! This session took place on my birthday so I knew despite the bizzare weather forecast it was going to work out and be amazing. :) All week leading up to our session temps were chilly but manageable but the weekend hit and we were forcasted in the 40’s and WIND!! SO MUCH WIND!! The temp was SO COLD and there were 30+mph wind gusts. Talk about a wild forecast! With maternity sessions, time is not always on our side when the weather is absolutley bonkers! And with weather this year being so unpredictable we trusted our gut and my incredible clients trusted me to work magic!
The entire session was freezing and windy BUT these two ROCKED IT! They embraced the elements and captured increible photos!! At the end this brave mama even braved the freezing water so we could get those gorgeous water shots!! I am so in love with what we captured. I absolutley adore this couple and couldn’t be more excited to photograph their journey into parenthood! Here are my favorites! If you are interested in a maternity or newborn session shoot me an email!!